How Stealth Monitoring Software Protects Business Data?


Although workplace surveillance may be a hot subject of on-the-job discussion, the fact is that many companies are implementing and gaining from it. You might be thinking of how much monitoring is sufficient, and how to use it for the benefit of your company.

In today’s article, we will be showing you how a company profits from stealth monitoring software and how this tool has a big hand in data security. Let’s get started –

Safeguard Your Company Confidential Data


How Stealth Monitoring Software Protects Business Data
Stealth Monitoring Software

These days the hackers have several ways to achieve your data. And there is no doubt in it that your organization data is very important, valuable, and confidential to somebody. Your company might be having your employees sensitive information that is credit card numbers, financial information, proprietary information, contact addresses, phone number, or spouse/family details, etc.

If in any case, these details get hacked or compromised, there will be huge havoc. But, let me tell you the mere part- apart from hackers, it often employees who have a hand in exposing their organization’s important data. This may happen when the employees visit insecure apps, websites, accidentally tapping on the dangerous links, getting in a trap of phishing emails, or downloading unauthorized items. Some employees may do this act if in case they are denied a promotion or getting money from the third party to do so.

In such situations, stealth monitoring software proves to be an efficient way to know whether employees are engaged in any kind of malicious or unsafe activities. If you find any employee indulged in such a thing you can stop them and inform them of all the security guidelines to be safe and save your data from being exposed.

Another benefit of monitoring is you can detect if any employees are busy shopping online or replying to their chats, emails. You can stop them from doing these things in the working hours.

The implementation of such software in your company protects employees who are not taking serious steps towards being safe. You can ask them to change their attitude before any problem escalates. Also, you can catch employees who are continuously accessing sensitive data, downloading large numbers of files, and detecting workers who are logging in outside the office hours.

Prevent Entry For The hackers

prevent hackers
Avoid Hackers

Stealth monitoring software acts as a shield to your company’s data. If you have this software installed in every system in your company, you can keep an eye on every activity. Also, if you find any user practicing any unethical activities online, you can stop it right away by keeping your company’s confidential data safe.

Make sure you inform your employees about the safety and privacy guidelines in a detailed manner. The monitoring software will also help to keep an eye on what your employees are doing in real-time.

Leverages Productivity

Productivity Measures

The monitoring software not only improves security but also helps to boost your company’s productivity levels. One of the major reasons for the loss of productivity is Cyberloafing. Cyberloafing is a term used when your remote working employees are shopping on online sites, using Facebook, replying, and chatting in their email during office hours. This leads to the incompletion of tasks and obviously, you are losing money.

Stealth monitoring software like EmpMonitor will provide you detailed information about which employees are productive and who are just passing their time. This tool will let you know total productive hours and non-productive hours, and also calculate the idle time of employees.

Monitoring will help you find loopholes and work on them to enhance business productivity. With stealth monitoring, workers also will not get disturbed or change their behavior as they will not know when they are being monitored. This will help you to get an accurate picture of how your office is functioning.

Stealth monitoring software thus proves to be a boon for the company protection and data safety. It allows you to track internet and app usage, let you, real-time monitor, your employee’s activities, know potentially suspicious behavior and measure idle and productive time. It helps to monitor in-office employees as well as remote employees.

Companies, It is just the right time and perfect way to get the best stealth monitoring software installed in your company systems. Keep your company safe and keep your company confidential data secure.

Want To Know More About Security Of Company’s Data? Watch This Video:-

How To Use Stealth Monitoring Software To Prevent Employee Fraud?

How To Use Stealth Monitoring Software To Prevent Employee Fraud

Employee fraud is a significant contributor to the losses for companies and to prevent activities like cyber attacks, theft, data breaches, etc companies need to keep their employees accountable by using a proper stealth monitoring software

Though monitoring employees is not new in the business sector. Over the years, only the approach of tracking workers has changed. Since technology is taking over the workplace, now more companies are using monitoring tools to keep an eye on their employees’ digital activities because they offer the information that is required to identify fraud and deceptive activities of the workers. 

  • Time Fraud

Misuse of company technology can transform into a type of time fraud. Inappropriate use of the company email and other resources leads to the major loss for a company. And to avoid such fraudulent activities, stealth monitoring software is the best solution. It monitors emails, chats, Internet usage ( all websites and applications used), social media usage of employees without letting them know that they are getting monitored. 

Some software like EmpMonitor also provides detailed reports of all the employees based on their daily productivity. Utilizing these data, companies can identify which all employees are trustworthy and which are not. Also, if something happens, then the company can easily find the source behind it with enough evidence.

  • Proprietary Information

Stealth Monitoring Software

Proprietary information can also be collected and reviewed using monitoring tools, including data from client interactions. Employers can access all of the documents and files downloaded, saved, or transferred by employees.

There are also different tools available online that can monitor USB use, and indicates if any client information is saved on that particular USB. Usually, these actions would give administrators or top-level executives a warning that data has been breached. Apart from this, some Employee Tracking Software also provide keystroke recording features, which help to know what a particular employee is typing in a specific time.

Keystrokes also show client passwords that were used to open documents or access them. So, whenever any non-authorized person will open such confidential documents, you can easily catch them using stealth monitoring software.

  • Data Theft

Files of Human resources are often prime targets for fraudulent, and those could be from your office only. Fraudulent access to social security numbers and other data about employees shows that the company is a victim of internal data theft.

With the help of monitoring solutions, companies can find access to multiple files of staff, medical records, or other private data. The software can, however, include all the details that employers need to identify the crime and deter the offender.

Veriato is one such software that monitors all downloads, program use, file transfer, network access, and uploads of files, which helps track outside HR workers who can violate confidential employee records. It also helps to perform better data security solutions.

Also watch : How To Keep Your Company’s Sensitive Data Secure?

Wapping words

When an organization discovers internal fraud, then the next step is generally to find out the type of fraud that has happened. And police investigation is not something that most of the companies prefer first in case of proprietary fraud because it may result in the disclosure of other sensitive information (including employee info).

Time fraud, on the other hand, may result in changes in organizational policy, disciplinary action, or maybe even termination. Situations can be different, but the best stealth monitoring software will still provide the proof that employers need to make their case regardless of the outcome.

However, some employees may feel that monitoring software is a form of spying, which can even cause workers to feel mistrust and scared. But, if used correctly, tracking software will detect misconduct until it leads to significant employer liability. As work goes digital, electronic surveillance of workers and through technology is becoming more prevalent to ensure that workers do not put the business in danger.