04 BEST Ways To Track Remote Staffs Productivity This Quarantine

Track Remote Staffs Productivity-

Remote workers have always been a separate category for the employers, but it all changed in a matter of months. COVID-19 bombarded the earth, and everyone seemed helpless about it. Lock-down was the only solution to inhibit the violent spread of this virus, and everyone worried about the downfall of their businesses. 

However, corporations soon found a way out of this crisis. The remedy was to allow employees to work from their homes! Well, the employers had mixed reactions to it initially. Employers feared a lot of things- from the threat to their company’s data to an interrupted communication and loss of productivity among their colleagues. 

However, corporates have found a way out of this too. Despite the increasing physical distance between the co-workers, the remedy is to track remote staffs productivity and form necessary strategies to efficiently enhance their productivity in real-time. Here are four ways in which they can do so: 

1. Constant Communication 

Constant Communication

Establishing an uninterrupted communication is extremely crucial in every organization, and you need to make sure you keep it instituted even when your colleagues are working from their bedrooms. Talking to employees who are not in your close vicinity is only possible when you deploy platforms for texting/ calling them. You need to make sure that your online communication remains as stable and regular as your face-to-face communication. 

Deploy common platforms in all the employees’ systems, for instance, Telegram, Skype, Zoom, etc. This way, they feel more connected and less isolated, thus keeping you more updated with their work. They also become more comfortable in asking doubts/raising queries and it also becomes more manageable for you to know the status of their work this way. 

2. Monitoring Tools 

Monitoring Tools

Various tools to track remote staffs productivity  are available in the market that lets employers map the performance of their workforce in real-time by monitoring their regular activities. This way, you exactly know what they do on their PCs in the form of screenshots, keystrokes, etc. and take necessary actions against the employees who might not abide by the rules.

One of the reasons why you cannot afford to skip this step is that you need strict surveillance to ensure data security too in the distant premises. Plus, the monitoring tools will let you analyze their work and take the necessary measures to improve their speed of performing the tasks in real-time. Understanding the status of ongoing tasks is very crucial before you assign them with a new one. 

3. Updates & Reports 

Updates & Reports

Well, let’s combine the points mentioned above. Monitoring the employees along with keeping a consistent communication will let you stay updated with their activities and assess their performance via reports. Let me explain it to you. 

Some monitoring tools like EmpMonitor and Hubstaff provide regular analysis and reports of employee activities in the form of graphs and charts. Combining this with the constant communication that you have with your employees, you can readily assess the status of your assigned tasks. 

This way, it becomes easier for employers to identify the most time-consuming tasks and train their employees to use specific tools more efficiently. Also, this way, you can hold people responsible when not working efficiently, as you already have their tasks recorded with you. 

4. Separate Profiles & Cloud Storage 

Separate Profiles & Cloud Storage

Creating separate office profiles for the employees means letting the company handle their data access. Let your IT department create the employees’ official profiles in every platform through which they perform the official tasks. Create their IDs in Google, Dropbox, Skype, Thunderbird, etc. and keep their passwords saved with you. 

This way, when you save data in the cloud and let your employees edit it directly from the cloud, you can practically check their work status whenever you want! It is one of the easiest ways for employees to check for their co-workers’ productivity and keep sensitive data safe within the organization. 

Wait! If you want to learn more, you can watch, vedio on: Manage Remote Work Easily With Powerful Monitoring Software: EmpMonitor(EmpMonitor AV Ad)



The year 2020 brought to us various challenges. Dealing with the virus was already pretty daunting; added to it is the work from home culture. While keeping track of employee activities is, indeed, tricky, you can make it easier by considering the points that I have mentioned above. Track and record your co-workers when they work remotely and ensure safety and productivity in the online workforce. 


Web-Based Employee Management Software: A Perfect Way to Improve Productivity of Every Employee!

Employee Management Software

Employee management – believe it or not! To manage a team of thousands of employees manually is a pain. The situation gets even worse when your business is situated in remote locations. As you are not able to see what your employees are doing. Keeping track of their productivity can never be easy.

So, what can be done to minimize the manual effort and improve productivity?

This article has something to help you find solutions for such issues in every business. Stay tuned with us till the end to know everything about an Employee Management Software and its requirement in the present world.

Employee management is known to be one of the toughest things. Until we are introduced to some good employee management software. That works for you even in the remote areas. As this is a perfect head start to tracking employees’ work and motivate them to work better without visiting them regularly.

Being a BOSS – it is important to keep your employees happy along with focusing on expanding your business. But keeping track of both the work is not easy.

Tracking the work of any employee can help you in deciding their appraisal and promotions easily.

How does this software work?

Employee Management Software

Employee tracking software allows you to manage all your employees in your organization remotely with centralized admin access. With a good Employee Management Software, one can –

  • Get access to real-time monitoring to view all the activities of your employees.
  • Promotes time management by spotting total time wasted by an employee.
  • It provides you with real-time insights.
  • HR’s can easily manage the attendance of its employees.
  • It takes auto screen-shots of every system within the allotted time.

Here are some of the benefits that you conquer from a web-based Employee Managing Software –

  1. Improve Work Efficiency – When you handle and manage the work of every employee using those old manual ways. It turns out to be a nightmare for both the employees as well as the manager. Manual ways sometimes not provide you with the correct data about a particular employee. But the software does. As it monitors everything your employee is doing.
  2. Increasing Employee Engagements A good management software will also provide you with better solutions for engaging employees. It has tools for productivity measurement. That helps in analyzing productivity and effectiveness. And focus more on providing with the insightful charts for –
    1. An individual,
    2. Team,
    3. Or the entire organizations.
  3. Storing Date – Storage becomes the major drawback when it comes to handling large database. But with the change in time and technology. Software’s are now heading towards the cloud. And all the data are stored directly on the cloud.

Things you should look for in a good Employee Management Software.

When you are paying for any such software. You must check out the market for their outstanding features. Here are some of the things that you should keep in mind –

Employee Management Software

Increase Productivity – The Software should provide you with increased productivity of employees. It must have complete visibility on what your employees are doing.

Generating Reports – Reports in the form of databases can be difficult to understand. The software must provide you with reports in the form of graphs and charts.

Save Time & Money – Go for software that reduces manual efforts. And the one which is 100% automatic.

Security Breach – Security breaching is a major issue that every business faces. When you keep a record of your data on your office premises. The security of your database can be at stake. Look for a software that saves your data in the cloud.

Stealth Operation – Go for something that can track all the activities of your employees remotely. And works in invisible mode. As it helps your employees work without getting distracted from the pop-ups coming on their screens at regular intervals.

Thus, here are some of the things that you can keep in mind before finalizing any software for your organization. And help your employees to improve their performance. Give their career a hike along with the overall growth of the business.