A Quick Guide: Everything You Need To Know About Employee Internet Usage Monitor Software

In the current scenario, the internet remains the most powerful tool to manage teams and drive maximum output from them. Since everything has both upsides and downsides, the same goes for internet usage as well.

As employees sometimes take advantage of high-speed internet connection and start wasting time tumbling over their social media profiles instead of concentrating on work during paid hours.

In today’s post, we will shed some light on how internet usage monitor software impacts the overall performance of employees and thus, productivity.

How Much Time Do Employees Waste Using the Internet?

Internet Usage Monitor Software

Internet and social networking sites undoubtedly create distractions, even among sincere employees. The amount of time employees waste on unnecessary actions is quite more than you imagine. Experts suggest that spending time on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google has been increasing with time.

Moreover, a few of them also surf YouTube, shopping websites, and online gaming sites. That’s a big downside for companies, especially in this stressful time of Covid-19.

Recommendation For Employers On How To Deal With Productivity Loss

Dealing With Productivity Loss

Continuous loss of working hours generates numerous challenges that trick employers. As an ultimate solution, productivity management with productivity tracking software comes out and helps managers in keeping track of employee activities on the internet while they use office premises.

An ideal employee monitoring tool has all these mainstream features:

  • Ability to track websites/URLs that employees access.
  • Accurate duration of time spent using the internet.
  • Information regarding the system on which employees work. Even, when workers have set to work-from-home modules.
  • Login/logout credentials with thorough details.
  • Whether the internet is used for business or personal uses.
  • Alerts about employees in case they try to access prohibited websites.

Hence, the use of internet usage monitor software adds on a few more dollars to your business expenses, organizations gain massive benefits using it. Employees start working with keen interest and try hard not to waste precious hours.

The next legit question- which software should we use to monitor internet usage?

Employee Internet Monitoring

With more and more companies embracing remote work due to Covid-19, a lot of software & technology brands rolled out their employee monitoring software in the market. These quantities can easily create doubts and misguide people. Our research and analysis determine that EmpMonitor is the leading software used by top businesses across the globe.

Its top features are:-

  • Measurement of productivity and loss.
  • Captures screenshots in real-time to take snaps as evidence when something goes wrong in a corporation.
  • Monitoring browser history and related activities
  • Review apps in detail.
  • Don’t let your employees know about its integration.
  • And, many more.

What Do Employers Get From Internet Monitoring Software?

Internet tracking software offers countless valuable upsides. The biggest usefulness is the facility to catch the glimpse of internet activities, which bypasses issues like data breaching, online scams, and other painful drawbacks.

Insights breakdown the fact about an increase in productivity by 3-20 perfect (it restores low attendance, slow working habit, and unwanted deeds). That’s quite notable.

In this way,  monitoring software also reduces the cost of wages. Entertaining social networking sites, including Instagram alone, can eat up approximately ¼ productivity. When counting as a whole, employers get surprising differences in the amount of ‘before & after’ work.

Why Internet Monitoring A Boon For Businesses?

Employee productivity jumps up to a 3-5% higher margin with correct internet monitoring tools in place. Things like a frequent break, late login, and alike come to an end if managers monitor employees’ actions over the internet.

When employees complete work on time, they don’t need to sit for extra hours where the employer becomes liable to provide overtime pay. As a result, companies enjoy better productivity and less nuisance using internet monitoring.

With time, companies have been shifting slightly over the internet monitoring approach, despite their budget. By the end of 2020, it seems that 90% of organizations will be using internet monitoring software.


Regardless of your research & proficiency, choosing the best internet usage monitor software becomes diverse with the change in organization type. We hope our practical guide eases up things and helps you out.

Also Learn, How To Implement Remote Worker Monitoring At Your Business?

Track Employee Internet Usage: Expectations and Boundaries


Nowadays, all things seem to be online. It helps companies in running their business in a better way. Because through online technology, communication has become faster, which provides an add-on benefit for remote workforces in sharing files and associating with their colleagues easily.  

There are various other benefits of the internet, but let’s move ahead and know what are the issues that internet-based technology has created for corporate industries.  

When it comes to online work, you need to keep a check on what employees are doing. Thus implementing computer monitoring software helps you to see what all things your employees are doing on their systems and how much time they are spending on each task. At the same time, it also acts as a boundary for employees, from getting distracted from their work.

What Is The Reason Behind To Track Employee Internet Usage? 


‘As mentioned above, online employee monitoring services help in minimizing security threats and distractions.

Communication and exchange of large files with higher internet speed is much quicker and simpler, the risks to insiders are never seriously taken. Even breaches and accidental leaks due to malware pose a potential problem. It is probably the most important reason why tracking employee browsers is a good idea, it helps you to discover possible threats before and rectify them as early as possible.  

Another problem for employers is that all the distractions you might imagine are online — social networking, news websites, videos, sports, shopping, and almost everything else. If not adequately monitored, it is wasting a lot of office time, so it’s advised to track employee internet usage

In case you already took the first step towards curbing the issue because you already know which websites are more troublesome and which workers are more likely to use them. Keeping a track of internet usage can help you in providing various advantages. It also helps to keep a check on which all applications and websites employees are using the most.

Employee Internet Usage Expectations

Why Track Employees.. (1)
Internet Usage Expectations

While beginning with monitoring services, the most important thing to consider is to have a clear outline of why you are keeping a check on your employee’s computer activities and what all things you are expecting from them.

Hence, while implementing it is always advised to provide a clear set of guidelines to the employees about internet usability. The activities which are not allowed inside the office, how to save and share the official files, along with how web monitoring and time tracking tools work.

On the last note, be extra careful when defining the rules about the downloading and uploading of the files. As none of us want our company’s official files to land upon some third-party data breaching sites. Hence, make sure to check if your employees are taking some extra or not.

Boundaries In Computer Monitoring

Track Employee Internet Usage

While monitoring employee internet use, there are a few limitations that you shouldn’t do. First and foremost, employers shouldn’t monitor the employee’s personal profiles as the use of monitoring software is to keep a check on productivity levels by using an employee internet monitoring tool.

Of course, you should check the sites which your employees are surfing in the productivity hours and how much time they are spending on which site and closely track what they are tracking on each site.

Some tools are launched with screenshot features which helps you to take the screenshots of the employee systems at some fixed intervals of time. Thus, before beginning using this software, make sure to learn about all the rules and guidelines that are associated with the tool.

Conclusion – 

Preserving your company interests while taking into account the privacy needs of workers is a tricky balancing act but not an impossible one. Have a clearly defined policy in place, and consider all legal restrictions to ensure that all of your monitoring efforts do not end up affecting your employees and company. 

Hence, deciding on what’s the best software to track employee internet usage is a great way to rectify modern-day employee-related issues. Only when you use it legally, it will provide add-on protection for your business and save from data breaches.

Also,  Watch This Video On How To Check Details Of Employees?